MG 4EV model Preprost povzetek:
MG 4ev body size is a typical compact level, the total length is only 4287mm, such a length if placed in the field of traditional fuel cars, even can only be compared with small cars, but you should know that the pure electric platform can generally shorten the front suspension and rear suspension, there is no need to reserve the position of the engine compartment, so the MG Magnan wheelbase up to 2705mm, It's got a longer wheelbase than a Lavida or nekaj. Sodeč po celotnem slogu stila, je MG 4EV težko opredeliti kot tradicionalni avtomobil ali SUV, uradna razlaga je križanca, pravzaprav je stran videti kot kombinacija avtomobila in SUV -ja. Sprednji obraz je raven in sprejme nov družinski oblikovalski jezik blagovne znamke MG.